Debit Mastercard®

Like an ATM Card, Only Better!

Each California Coast checking account comes with a FREE California Coast Debit Mastercard®. It’s a “must-have” wherever you go—because it gives you 24/7 access to your cash and lets you make purchases wherever you see the Mastercard logo. Whether for cash on the go or for purchases, our card fraud protection program always protects you and your money! Plus, our new chip-enhanced debit card provides additional security.


Cash On the Go

  • FREE access to your cash at 30,000 CO-OP®ATMs. Plus, access your money at any ATM with the Mastercard, Maestro®, Cirrus, or PULSE® network logos.

More Convenient than Checks or Cash

  • Use it for all your everyday purchases instead of writing a check or carrying cash. The money is immediately deducted from your Cal Coast checking account.

An Added Level of Protection

  • Advanced security with EMV Chip Technology
  • Your purchases are protected with Smart Shopper Benefits, like Extended Warranty Insurance, Price Protection and a Satisfaction Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

EMV chip technology has become the international standard in card security and we’re pleased to introduce this added layer of security on California Coast MasterCard®debit and credit cards. Chip cards have a microchip inside the card that provides users with increased protection against fraud.

The EMV chip in your card produces a single-use code with every transaction at a chip-enabled terminal to validate the transaction and protect your card from unauthorized use. Since your MasterCard has both chip and magnetic stripe technology, regardless of what type of terminal a merchant has, you’ll be able to use your card anywhere MasterCard is accepted.

  1. Insert your card “chip first” into the terminal. With chip transactions, your card remains in the terminal throughout the transaction.
  2. Follow the prompts on the terminal and wait for the transaction to be processed. At retail terminals, you may be required to enter your PIN or sign to complete the transaction. At ATMs you’ll be required to enter your PIN.
  3. Remember your card! Upon completion of your transaction you’ll be instructed to remove your card from the payment terminal.

For more information on using chip-enabled terminals, watch this video.

Your money is federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). For added protection, you can obtain additional coverage on multiple accounts if you have different ownership interests or rights in different types of accounts.

Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design are trademark, of Mastercard International Incorporated. ©2021 Mastercard. All Rights Reserved. 

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